What image do you see when you picture the ‘least of these’?

When we think about brokenness in the word, one of the quickest images that comes to our mind is the face of a homeless person.  Hungry, huddled against the cold, needing help and wanting it, but not wanting to draw too much attention because of the risk of being arrested for trespassing, or the risk of violence that often comes with being among the most vulnerable.  When we picture of the “least of these” that Jesus was talking about, most of us probably have a homeless person in our mind’s eye.

Homelessness is a problem that most of us are used to seeing. Maybe so much so that we have become numb to what causes it and whether we can do anything about it.  Let’s see if we can go above and beyond the good work we do feeding hungry and homeless people, to getting to know our homeless neighbors as people and finding concrete solutions.

For the next two months that’s what we’re being invited to do.  Let’s take God’s love to a new level.  Let’s show some of the neediest people in our community what love does!

“Let’s not love with words or speech but with action and truth.” 1 John 3:18




#KOG2ILM  #becauselovedoes

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