RAY CAFFEE- “We really enjoyed being apart of Mission Serve last week. I was particularly moved by an open and honest conversation  as I asked each of them what led them to get involved and volunteer their time. One young man who’s a sophomore in college really stuck-out to both Brittany and myself. He was so honest in his words as he described a few bad decisions he had made earlier in the year. As heRay Caffee Mission Serve talked he shared the moment that he stopped and said, “God, I need you to show me the way. I need you, I need you now!” He went on to share that God moment led him to Missions and turning his life around.  While our contribution was so little compared to what the Mission Serve team completed throughout the entire week, our family was so blessed by being with the team.  Being able to explain to our children what we were doing and why and having them serve the crew was so was so special to us. 

Love does come from all angles and it shined bright last week.  It may have been from painting a railing, replacing a roof and floors, putting your hand on a strangers shoulder to pray or just providing nourishment, but it takes a village to be successful.  As one of the teens prayed at lunch I heard, “Bless this food, bless this community, bless this church and it’s members for all they’ve provided.”  I can’t begin to describe how blessed we are as a church; seeing first hand how our congregation provides is truly immeasurably more. “


ALLISON LUCKADOO- “This past week, some of my friends and I had the pleasure of meeting our amazing Wilmington missionaries while bringing them lunch. When Tara called and asked for volunteers, I just knew some of my friends outside of our church would want to help! Thinking about the question ‘WHY I  SERVE’, this project outlines it perfectly. The reason I serve is to be able to share God’s love in every aspect possible. I am passionate about helping to offer opportunities to all of those willing to help, especially those outside the church walls. We had over 10 new families link arms with FBC to provide lunches and love and the best part is that each one also asked to be able to help more with our missions! That is what it is all about for me. Bringing people closer to God, doing our best to be the hands and feet of our Lord Jesus Christ and serving others.  I loved this experience so much and can’t wait for our next church project and seeing more of what ‘LOVE DOES‘!”

TONY STROUD“Mission Serve is more than spreading the good news and works of Jesus…it is ‘immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work ‘Ephesians 3:20-21. It is a source of Hope. Hope for the Tonyfolks that need special access to their homes…..and Hope for the weary eyes that witness these difficult days. Hope that the love of  Jesus will endure for generations! Hope founded in the fundamentals of things good…being the presence Jesus where you are and where the narrow path takes you to serve. It was my honor to take time to build relationships with those who came to serve our community.”

#whyIserve    #becauselovedoes    #immeasurablymoreFBC


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