Behind the Scenes at Mission Serve Week- FBC Breakfast Crew


Everyone knows that a good breakfast is the key to a successful day. Meet the FBC breakfast crew for our Mission Serve group this week. Team leader, Donna Carr along with many other volunteers get up early to arrive at the Activities Center (Mission Serve Headquarters) by 4:30am each day to prepare a healthy and delicious breakfast to nourish all the missionaries spreading out all over Wilmington! Here’s what a few of them said when asked the question, “Why do you get up at 4:30am to serve?”

  • Denise Griffin– Simply, I’m called to serve. I love it! Normally I am the one ‘in charge’ and this week is so fun because I get to be told what to do by my dear friend, Donna.
  • Scharlotte Eby– I love being here cooking. The fellowship of friends both new and those who have worked together before is very special to me. We laugh and work hard and it is so fun. I love meeting others outside my normal circles of Sunday School and Youth Group parents.
  • Julia McEachern– I’m not young enough for physical labor anymore so replacing roofs is not something I can do BUT I CAN DO THIS! I love it, it makes me feel like I am a part of the work that is being done for our community out there even though I can’t physically be out there.
  • Connie Allegood- I wanted to help and this is where I can make the most impact. I am good at helping in the kitchen and I love being a part of this community of friends.
  • Margaret Johnson– When my kids were in youth group I loved cooking for our mission trips. I had two days off and I knew this is where I wanted to serve. I also love seeing ‘good kids doing good things’. Every single person who comes through the line says ‘yes please or no thank you- and everyone says thank you to our team! In a world where we hear a lot of bad news it’s good to see the good in a new generation.
  • PJ Eby– I love this because it’s fun! I love these ladies and they love me! I love serving God and it gives me something to do in the summer!
  • Donna Carr– I missed cooking for mission trips since my kids are all grown. When this opportunity presented itself I was excited and eager to say YES! I love these volunteers and I love being able to serve God in this way! 

We ought not to be weary of doing little things for the love of God, who regards not the greatness of the work, but the love with which it is performed.” Brother Lawrence, The Practice of the Presence of God

#whyIserve  #becauselovedoes  #immeasurablymorefbc

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